BNGAP Monthly Newsletters
Volume 6
Volume 5
BNGAP December Newsletter 2024
BNGAP November Newsletter 2024
BNGAP September Newsletter 2024
BNGAP February Newsletter 2024
Volume 4
BNGAP December Newsletter 2023
BNGAP November Newsletter 2023
BNGAP July-August Newsletter 2023
BNGAP February Newsletter 2023
BNGAP January Newsletter 2023 (Pages 1-5)
BNGAP January Newsletter 2023 (Pages 6-15)
Volume 3
BNGAP Newsletter December 2022
BNGAP Newsletter November 2022 (Pages 1-7)
BNGAP Newsletter November 2022 (Pages 8-17)
BNGAP Newsletter September 2022
BNGAP Newsletter May-June 2022
BNGAP Newsletter February 2022
BNGAP Newsletter January 2022 (Pages 1-9)
BNGAP Newsletter January 2022 (Pages 10-18)
Volume 2
BNGAP Newsletter December 2021
BNGAP Newsletter November 2021
BNGAP Newsletter September 2021
BNGAP Newsletter February 2021
Volume 1
BNGAP Newsletter December 2020
BNGAP Newsletter November 2020
BNGAP Newsletter September 2020
Foundational Pre-Faculty Development Research
Lee R, Lucas R, Dickerman J, Sánchez JP. Designing Pre-Faculty Development Competencies and Milestones for Diverse Learners. JAMA Open Network.
Sánchez JP, Poll-Hunter N, Stern N, Garcia AN, Brewster C. Balancing Two Cultures: American Indian/Alaska Native Medical Students’ Perceptions of Academic Medicine Careers Journal of Community Health Feb 2016.
Rey R, Behar-Horenstein L, Feng X, Sánchez JP, Garvan C. Factors influencing students’ likelihood of pursuing academic dental careers and comparison by under-represented minority status and gender. IOSR Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences, Volume 14, Issue 10, pp 89-99, 2015.
Sanchez N, Poll-Hunter N, Spencer D, Lee-Rey E, Alexander A, Holaday L, Soto-Greene M, Sanchez JP. Attracting Diverse Talent to Academia: Perspectives of Medical Students and Residents Journal of Career Development, Volume: 45 issue: 5, page(s): 440-457.
Zhang L, Lee E, Kenworthy C, Chiang S, Holaday L, Spencer D, Poll-Hunter N, Sánchez JP. Southeast and East Asian American Medical Students’ Perceptions of Careers in Academic Medicine. Journal of Career Development. Volume: 46 issue: 3, page(s): 235-250
Yehia B, Cronholm P, Wilson N, Palmer S, Sisson S, Guilliames, C, Poll-Hunter N, Sánchez, JP. Mentorship and Pursuit of Academic Medicine Careers: A Mixed Methods Study of Residents from Diverse Backgrounds. BioMed Central Medical Education. Feb 9 2014, 14:26.
Sánchez JP, Peters L, Lee-Rey E, Strelnick H, Garrison G, Zhang K, Spencer D, Ortega, G, Yehia B, Berlin A, Castillo-Page L. Racial and Ethnic Minority Medical Students’ Perceptions of Academic Medicine Careers. Academic Medicine, July 2013. Sep;88(9):1299-307
Sánchez JP, Castillo-Page L, Spencer D, Yehia B, Peters L, Kaye-Freeman B, Lee-Rey E. Building the Next Generation of Academic Physicians Initiative: Why, Who, How and “What Are We Missing?” Academic Medicine. August 2011. Aug;86(8):928-31.
Engagement and Leadership in Academia Curricula
Del Castillo N, Pischerio J, Martinez D, Sánchez JP. Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Engagement and Leadership Opportunities for Trainees. MedEdPORTAL. 2022 Nov 8;18:11282. doi: 10.15766/mep_2374-8265.11282. eCollection 2022.PMID: 36447638.
Lucas R, Kothari P, Adams C, Jones L, Williams V, Sánchez JP. We are all leaders: Introducing Leadership Concepts through the Lens of Improving Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce. Accepted for Publication in MedEdPORTAL July 2020.
Nakae P, Kothari P, Johnson K, Figueora E, Wiskur B, Sánchez JP. Office of Admission: Engagement and Leadership Opportunities for Trainees. MedEdPORTAL, May 2020. MedEdPORTAL 2020 Nov 11;16:11011.
Silva Díaz D, Kothari P, Williams R, Lee R, Mancias P, Davis J, Sánchez JP. Office of Medical Education: Engagement and Leadership Opportunities for Trainees.
Nakae S, Haywood Y, Love L, Kothari P, Sánchez JP, Saldana F. Office of Student Affairs: Engagement and Leadership Opportunities for Trainees. MedEdPORTAL. 2021;17:11093.
Spencer D, Brutus N, Astudillo Y, Ott A, Lee J, Calac A, Sánchez JP. Diversity-Related, Student-Led National Medical Organization Leadership Opportunities for Learners.
Lucas R, Brutus N, Federico-Martinez G, et al. Academic career exploration: learner opportunities through the Office of Faculty Affairs. MedEdPORTAL. 2024; 20:11460.
Nakae S, Parrish W, Sánchez JP. Office of Admissions: Engagement and Leadership Opportunities for Medical Students. Accepted to Academic Medicine, AM Last Page, March 2020.
Academic Medicine Career Development Curricula
Gilbert J, Spencer D, Kothari P, Sanchez N, Soto-Greene M, Sánchez JP. Financing in Academic Medicine: How to Navigate Loan Repayment and Career Enhancement. MedEdPORTAL, August 2020
Sola O, Kothari P, Mason HRC, Onumah CM, Sánchez JP. The crossroads of health policy and academic medicine: an early introduction to health policy skills to facilitate change. MedEdPORTAL. 2019;15:10827.
Mason BS, Landry A, Sánchez JP, Williams VN. How to find an academic position after residency: who, what, when, where, why, and how. MedEdPORTAL. June 2018;14:10727.
Soto-Greene M, Culbreath K, Guzman DE, Sánchez JP, Romero-Leggott V. Diversity and inclusion in the academic medicine workforce: encouraging medical students and residents to consider academic careers. MedEdPORTAL. Feb 2018;14:10689.
Ortega G, Smith C, Pichardo MS, Ramirez A, Soto-Greene M, Sánchez JP. Preparing for an academic career: the significance of mentoring. MedEdPORTAL. March 2018;14:10690.
Dickerman J, Sánchez JP, Portela-Martinez M, Roldan E. Leadership and academic medicine: preparing medical students and residents to be effective leaders for the 21st century. MedEdPORTAL. Feb 2018;14:10677.
Paredes Molina CS, Spencer DJ, Morcuende M, Sanchez, JP An introduction to research work, scholarship, and paving a way to a career in academic medicine. MedEdPORTAL. Feb 2018;14:10686.
Guilliames C, Sule H, Perez H, Hubbi B, Sánchez JP. Providing Trainees with an Introduction and Decision-Making Framework for Pursuing an Academic Residency Position. MedEdPORTAL. 2018;14:10667.
Nakae S, Soto-Greene M, Williams R, Guzman D, Sánchez JP. Helping Trainees Develop Scholarship in Academic Medicine From Community Service MedEdPORTAL. 2017;13:10659
Callahan EJ, Banks M, Medina J, Disbrow K, Soto-Greene M, Sánchez JP. Providing Diverse Trainees an Early and Transparent Introduction to Academic Appointment and Promotion Processes, MedEdPORTAL. 2017;13:10661
Fernández CR, Lucas R, Soto-Greene M, Sánchez JP. Introducing trainees to academic medicine career roles and responsibilities. MedEdPORTAL. Nov 2017;13:10653.
Williams R, Holaday L, Lamba S, Soto-Greene M, Sánchez JP. Introducing trainees to medical education activities and opportunities for educational scholarship. MedEdPORTAL Publications. March 2017;13:10554.
LGBT Health Workforce Conference Publications
Sánchez NF, Kennedy L, Spigner S, Hartman AW, Sánchez JP, Callahan EJ. LGBTQ+ Worker Protections in 2020: Implications for Academic Medicine. Acad Med. 2022 Nov 1;97(11):1597-1604.
Alzate-Duque L, Sánchez JP, Mendez S, Rosado-Rivera D, and Sanchez N. Medical Spanish Workshop: HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Education for Clinicians Caring for Spanish-Speaking Men Who Have Sex with Men. MedEdPORTAL. August 2020.
Perucho J, Alzate-Duque L, Bhuiyan A, Sánchez JP, Sanchez N. PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) Education for Clinicians: Caring for an MSM Patient. 2020 May 29;16:10908.
Sanchez NF, Callahan E, Brewster C, Poll N, Sanchez JP. Mentoring LGBT Health Professional Trainees. LGBT Health, April 2018.
Sánchez N, Rankin S, Callahan E, Ng H, Holaday L, McIntosh K, Poll-Hunter N, Sánchez JP. LGBT Health Professionals Perspectives on Academic Careers – Facilitators and Challenges. LGBT Health December 2015, 2(4); 346-56.
Sánchez NF, Sánchez JP, Lunn MR, Yehia BR, Callahan E. Meeting Report: First Annual LGBT Health Workforce Conference: Empowering Our Health Workforce to Better Serve LGBT Communities. LGBT Health March 2014, 1(1): 62-65
BNGAP Sponsored Publications
Pardo C, Brutus N, Clare C, Sánchez JP. An Introduction to Structural Competency for Haitian-Identified Patients: History, Culture, and Access to Car MedEdPORTAL. 2021 Dec 27;17:11207. doi: 10.15766/mep_2374-8265.11207. eCollection 2021.
Silva Díaz D, Garcia G, Clare C, Su J, Friedman E, Williams R, Vazquez J, Sánchez JP. Taking Care of the Puerto Rican Patient: Historical Perspectives, Health Status, and Health Care Access. MedEdPORTAL October 2020.
Garcia AN, Castro MC, Sánchez JP. Social and structural determinants of urban American Indian and Alaska Native health: a case study in Los Angeles. MedEdPORTAL. 2019;15:10825. Editor’s Choice.
2023 NBME Sponsored Publications
Conde Toro AM, Vélez Figueroa AC, Báez Cruz A, Grau Rodríguez M, Montalvo Rivera EJ, Collazo Irizarry DE, Vivaldi Marrero E, Rodríguez Vega P, Báez Rivera AC, Calderón Alonso AI, Pommells K, Pérez Á, Sánchez JP. Disparities in Cervical Cancer Among LHS+ Women: A Primer for Medical Students. MedEdPORTAL. 2024;20:11482.
Brutus NN, Spencer DJ, Huell D, Astudillo YM, Ott A, Lee JH, Calac A, Sánchez JP. Diversity-Related, Student-Led National Medical Organizations: Leadership Opportunities for Learners. MedEdPORTAL. 2024;20:11477.
Luthria K et al. Deconstructing the Asian Monolith: An Educational Module for Improving Knowledge of the Asian Diaspora
Calac A et al. An Introduction to Traditional Healing in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.
Academic Career Development Seminar for Undifferentiated College and Post-Bacc Learners
Academic Career Development Seminar for Diverse Medical Students and Residents
Engagement and Leadership in Academic Medicine for Diverse Learners
Critical Transition Seminar: Finding Your Academic Residency, Fellowship, or First Academic Position
Succeeding in Academic Medicine: A Roadmap for Diverse Medical Students and Residents, Springer 2020.
Health Professions and Academia: How to Begin Your Career. Springer 2022.
BNGAP 10th Conference Program WebVersion
FY21 Mid-Year Conference and White Paper De-Briefing
FY21 Medical Education Fellowship Conference