Call for Abstract Submissions for the

 13th Annual LGBT Health Workforce Conference

Applications Due: December 15, 2024


We invite you to submit an abstract to the LGBT Health Workforce Conference. The 13th annual conference will take place at the Belfer Research Building in New York City on May 1-3, 2025

Proposals are intended to provide a forum for the extended exchange of ideas among participants on topics of broad interest regarding empowering the health care workforce to care for LGBTQ+ patients.  The Program Committee is most interested in the following topics: 1) trainings or programming that promotes the professional development of the LGBTQ+ health workforce, 2) innovative research describing LGBTQ+ health disparities, 3) institutional climate practices supporting the inclusion of LGBTQ+ patients, and 4) educational initiatives to train health care providers to provide better care to LGBTQ+ patients. However, other LGBTQ+ workforce-related proposals will be considered.

Suggested Topics

  • Training programs or curricula that prepare researchers to work with LGBTQ+ communities
  • Training programs or curricula that prepare clinicians to work with LGBTQ+ communities
  • Training programs or curricula that demonstrate best practices in publishing LGBTQ+ health education innovations
  • LGBTQ+ health workforce leadership training and mentorship
  • LGBTQ+ Health Advocacy
  • Competency-based curriculum development and assessment for health professionals
  • Electronic medical records and sexual orientation / gender identity data collection
  • Climate: University/Academic Health Center/Hospital/Clinic
  • Interprofessional collaboration / Interprofessional education / Interprofessional care teams
  • Health Policy Updates: Federal and State
  • Community Activism
  • Leadership and LGBT Health
  • Advising or Mentoring LGBT Health Professionals and Students
  • LGBTQ+ Health Workforce Research
  • Caring for LGBTQ+ health professionals: preserving passion and preventing burnout

Oral Proposals

Selected proposals will be grouped by topic during one of the three 75-minute concurrent blocks (each block will offer three sessions). If accepted, each speaker(s) on a panel will have 20-30 minutes for their presentation, for a total of 2-3 presentations; 15 minutes will be reserved for discussion at the end of each panel.

Oral Proposal Submission Format

Applicants have the choice of submitting: 1.) a single abstract that (if accepted) will be assigned to a 75-minute panel with others presenting on related topics, OR 2.) a 75-minute panel of two-three presentations on a related topic. Authors are welcome to submit multiple abstracts for consideration.

  1. Title of submission
  2. A list of presenter(s) (no more than three presenters)
  3. Intended audience
  4. Abstract category (research, best practices, topic review)
  5. Learning objectives (maximum 100 words)
  6. Abstract body (maximum 350 words)

Review Process

The selection committee is particularly interested in proposals that highlight: health concerns for LGBT patients, best practices in the care of LGBT patients, up-to-date climate practices and/or educational content, and climate practices and/or educational content with interprofessional application. The committee will place higher preference on work that is already completed at the time of submission.

The review process will be competitive. Submissions must follow the template in order to be considered for peer review. Submissions will be selected for presentation following peer review. Sessions presenting a diverse range of topics and presenters will be selected from submissions with the highest ratings. Use the following criteria as a guideline when preparing your submission:

  • Topic Timeliness/Interest Potential
    • Clarity of Write-Up: Content
    • Creativity and Originality: Work shows creativity and originality
    • Audience: Level of participant involvement is appropriate for a small group discussion
    • Adaptability: Ideas have the potential to be adapted to other institutions

If selected, you must register for the conference to present your oral or poster presentation. We regret that we cannot waive the registration fee or pay travel expenses for presenters.

In order for your submission to be complete, you must:

  • Complete the online proposal form.
  • Submit a curriculum vitae for each presenter (for panel presentations only) at the time of online proposal form submission.

Proposals must be submitted by 5:00 PM (Pacific) on Dec 15, 2024.

Questions about abstract preparation should be directed to our Contact Us form.

Poster Proposals

Poster presenters will have the opportunity to present their accepted submissions on 4′ x 8′ poster boards during the Poster Session and Reception.


Winners will be acknowledged in the following areas:

  1. Educational Innovation
  2. Clinical Research

Both winners will receive a $250 cash reward.

Poster Proposal Submission Format

Authors are welcome to submit multiple abstracts for consideration. Please include the following:

  1. Title of submission
  2. A list of co-author(s) (no more than three presenters)
  3. Intended audience
  4. Abstract category (research, best practices, topic review, educational innovation)
  5. Learning objectives (maximum 100 words)
  6. Abstract body (maximum 350 words)*

*The abstract body should include the following:

  • Background (reason the activity or research is needed)
  • Methods (description of research design–number of participants, who they are, how data was collected and analyzed; or description of education innovation — overview of instructional content, means of learner assessment)
  • Results (summarize research data or learner assessments)
  • Reflection (limitations, lessons learned)

Evaluation and Consideration

  • Topic Timeliness/Interest Potential
  • Clarity of Content
  • Creativity and Originality
  • Audience: Does the project describe new knowledge for building the LGBT Health Workforce or for improving care for LGBTQ patients?
  • Adaptability: Can the project/innovation be adapted to other institutions?

If selected, you must register for the conference to present your oral or poster presentation. We regret that we cannot waive the registration fee or pay travel expenses for presenters.

In order for your submission to be complete, you must:

Proposals must be submitted by 5:00 PM (Pacific) on Dec 15, 2024.

Questions about abstract preparation should be directed to  Contact Us form.