3rd Pre-Faculty Career Development Conference Program

PREFAC Conference Friday & Saturday October 25th and 26th, 2024 

Topics of Particular Interest In Relation to the Role and Relationship of Chapter Advisor and Advisee

  • Defining and enhancing the role and responsibilities of chapter advisors and student leaders
  • Maximizing the relationship between chapter advisor and chapter student leaders/advisees to achieve organizational goals and common professional goals 
  • Achieving management and leadership skills through advisor/advisee role that are foundational for continued success
  • Transforming experiences and achievements to diversity capital and avoiding minority taxation
  • Addressing Tokenism
  • Balancing roles – “chapter advisor and faculty/staff member” or “student and chapter leader” 
  • Managing critical conversations between chapter advisee/leader and advisor
  • Providing feedback to chapter advisee/leader and advisor
  • Harnessing institutional support for chapter goals and activities
  • Balancing student oversight between chapter advisor and student affairs, medical education, GME
  • Managing microaggressions/discrimination/harassment by chapter advisee/leader and advisor

Suggested Topics for Abstracts

  • Perceptions, knowledge, attitudes of college students, post-bacc, and graduate students towards academic careers
  • Educating college advisors and family members about the value and benefits of pursuing academic careers
  • Pathway/pipeline/scholarly concentration programs to promote academic career exploration
  • Activities/best practices to promote underrepresented groups (e.g. women, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBT) exploration of academic careers
  • Activities/best practices to promote trainees’ engagement in research work (e.g. biomedical, clinical, community-based) and completion of research scholarship
  • Activities/best practices to promote trainees’ engagement in educational work and completion of educational scholarship
  • Activities/best practices to promote trainees’ engagement in service work and completion of service scholarship
  • Role modeling and mentoring as it relates to academic career exploration
  • Institutional efforts and/or best practices to promote trainees’ awareness of, interest in, and preparedness for academic careers
  • Considerations in selecting first academic position
  • Financing an academic career
  • Building a foundation for a future clinician-educator, clinician-researcher, professional practice/clinical track or another track
  • Building a foundation for a future career as a senior academic leader (e.g. Center Director, Chair, Dean)
  • Best practices to publishing your work