Belfer Research Building, 413 East 69th Street, NYC, NY
Friday October 25th 2024, and Saturday October 26th, 2024
Diversifying the academic health professions workforce is distinct from diversifying the clinical health professional workforce. Despite many initiatives, many academic health professions’ workforces, including medical, dental and nursing, fall short in reflecting the diversity of the general population. These trends will not change unless there are innovative, concerted efforts to increase the upstream pipeline of diverse individuals considering academic careers. Little research and educational efforts have been dedicated to addressing this emerging career development area. BNGAP has denied this emerging area as:
Pre-Faculty Development –
To provide trainees with foundational self-efficacy, knowledge, skills, and experiences to be successfully appointed, and eventually promoted and tenured within an academic institution.
(Sánchez JP and Williams V, 2019.)
Our college, graduate students, residents and fellows are therefore Pre-Faculty or PREFAC. PREFAC affords members the unique opportunity to network and recruit for academic and employment purposes.
The BNGAP National ‘Pre-Faculty’ Career Development Conference for Diverse Trainees and Faculty is the first forum to bring together trainees, faculty, and senior leaders to share and discuss activities and best practices in building the next generation of academic health professionals.
Proposals are intended to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among participants on topics of interest regarding building the upstream pipeline of diverse trainees (e.g. undifferentiated high school/college/post-bacc; graduate students – medical, dental, nursing, etc; and postdoc/residents/fellows) in considering academic careers. The Program Committee is most interested in proposals detailing: 1) innovative research describing trends of trainees’ exploration and consideration of academic careers, 2) best practices in heightening trainees’ awareness of, interest in and preparedness for academic careers, 3) institutional efforts to build the upstream pipeline of diverse trainees considering academic careers, and 4) best practices to enhance the advisor and advisee relationship. However, other proposals related to building the next generation of academic health professionals will be considered.
Suggested Topics
- Perceptions, knowledge, attitudes of college students, post-bacc, and graduate students towards academic careers
- Educating college advisors and family members about the value and benefits of pursuing academic careers
- Pathway/pipeline/scholarly concentration programs to promote academic career exploration
- Activities/best practices to promote underrepresented groups (e.g. women, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBT) exploration of academic careers
- Activities/best practices to promote trainees’ engagement in research work (e.g. biomedical, clinical, community-based) and completion of research scholarship
- Activities/best practices to promote trainees’ engagement in educational work and completion of educational scholarship
- Activities/best practices to promote trainees’ engagement in service work and completion of service scholarship
- Role modeling and mentoring as it relates to academic career exploration
- Institutional efforts and/or best practices to promote trainees’ awareness of, interest in, and preparedness for academic careers
- Considerations in selecting first academic position
- Financing an academic career
- Building a foundation for a future clinician-educator, clinician-researcher, professional practice/clinical track or another track
- Building a foundation for a future career as a senior academic leader (e.g. Center Director, Chair, Dean)
- Best practices to publishing your work
Abstract Proposals
Authors are welcome to submit multiple abstracts for consideration. Accepted abstracts will either be accepted as a podium presentation or Poster depending on conference scheduling committee. Podium presentations will be limited to 25 minutes per speaker. Poster presenters will have the opportunity to present their accepted submissions on 4′ x 8′ poster boards during the Poster Session and Reception.
Abstract Proposal Submission Format
Authors are welcome to submit multiple abstracts for consideration. Please include the following:
- Title of submission
- A list of co-author(s) (no more than three presenters)
- Intended audience
- Abstract category (research, best practices, topic review, educational innovation)
- Learning objectives (maximum 100 words)
- Abstract body (maximum 350 words)*
*The abstract for educational innovations should include the following:
- Background (reason the educational activity is needed)
- Methods (description of instructional content, faculty development, means of learner assessment)
- Results of assessment
- Reflection (limitations, lessons learned)
Evaluation and Consideration
- Topic Timeliness/Interest Potential
- Clarity of Content
- Creativity and Originality
- Adaptability: Can the project/innovation be adapted to other institutions?
Review Process
The selection committee is particularly interested in proposals that highlight the aforementioned topics. The committee will place higher preference on work that is already completed at the time of submission. A copy of the final presentations (oral and poster) will be due one month prior to the conference.
The review process will be competitive. Submissions must follow the template in order to be considered for peer review. Submissions will be selected for presentation following peer review. Sessions presenting a diverse range of topics and presenters will be selected from submissions with the highest ratings. Use the following criteria as a guideline when preparing your submission:
- Topic Timeliness/Interest Potential
- Clarity of Write-Up: Content
- Creativity and Originality: Work shows creativity and originality
- Audience: Level of participant involvement is appropriate for a small group discussion
- Adaptability: Ideas have the potential to be adapted to other institutions
If selected, you must register for the conference to present your oral or poster presentation. We regret that we cannot waive the registration fee or pay travel expenses for presenters.
In order for your submission to be complete, you must:
- Complete the online proposal form.
- Submit a curriculum vitae for the primary author of the proposal.
Proposals must be submitted by 11:59 PM PST on August 21, 2024
Notification of accepted proposals will be sent in September 2024.
Questions about abstract preparation should be directed to our Contact Us form.
Abstract Awards:
Poster awards will be acknowledged in the following areas:
- Best Educational Innovation
- Best Research Poster