Dates: September 25 (Friday) and 26 (Saturday), 2020 REGISTER HERE
Location: Webinar-Based
Background: As you know, BNGAP Inc. celebrated it’s 10th Anniversary this past winter. Much of the conference content focused on Pre-Faculty Development – To provide trainees with foundational self-efficacy, knowledge, skills, and experiences to be successfully appointed, and eventually promoted and tenured within an academic institution. (Sánchez JP and Williams V, 2019.) One of the many conference outcomes was initiating the development of a document entitled White Paper: Pre-Faculty Development for Groups Under-represented in Academic Medicine. Thank you to the countless trainees, faculty, and senior administrators for helping to draft this report. This report will be shared during the national conference.
This conference brings together trainees, faculty, and senior leaders to share and discuss activities and best practices to better prepare trainees (e.g. college, graduate, post-doctoral) to consider, pursue and ultimately succeed as future educators, researchers, and clinical faculty at our institutions. This conference is designed for health professionals (M.D., D.O., Ph.D., Ed.D., P.A.-C., R.N., N.P., D.M.D., social workers, psychologists, etc.), educators, researchers and trainees (pre-health professions, professional schools, and graduate). Important activities and deadlines to note include:
The WEBINAR-BASED conference will include the following components
• Panel discussion of each chapter of the white paper
• Critical Transitions Workshops: Finding an Academic Residency, Academic Fellowship or First Academic Position (these workshops are designed for our trainees as they transition educational and career levels and for faculty/administrators interested in learning how to advise their trainees)
• Presentation of Junior/Health Professional/Organizational & Institutional Leadership and Pre-Faculty Excellence Awards (APPLY HERE for awards by September 1, 2020)
*All participants who attended the 10th Anniversary Celebration will have FREE registration. All official BNGAP Chapter Members will have FREE registration.
*Otherwise the cost of registration is the following: college student – $20 dollars; graduate student – $30; resident/fellow – $40; faculty, administrators, staff – $60.
Refund Policy: Before SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 full refund possible. After SEPTEMBER 15 no refund for registration.
Friday September 25, 2020
Eastern Standard Time
12:30pm – 1:00pm |
Opening Comments | |
White Paper Findings and Discussion:
Pre-Faculty Development for Groups Under-represented in Academic Medicine |
1:00pm – 2:00pm |
Session on College Students
And Medical Students |
Session on Residents
And Fellows |
2:00pm – 3:00pm | Session on Women | Session on Sexual and Gender Minorities and
American Indian/Alaska Native |
3:00pm – 4:00pm | Session on Asians | Session on Hispanic/Latino/Latina/Latinx |
4:00pm – 5:00pm | Session on First Generation | Session on African Americans/Blacks |
5:00pm – 6:00pm | Closing Remarks |
Saturday September 26, 2020
Eastern Standard TIme
11:30pm – 12:00pm |
Opening Comments | |
Critical Transitions Curricula: Finding Your Academic Residency, Academic Fellowship, First Academic Position | ||
12:00pm – 1:00pm |
Key Considerations in Selecting a Residency or Fellowship Program | Key Considerations in Selecting a Faculty Position |
1:00pm – 2:00pm | Therapeutic and Diagnostic: CV and Portfolio Preparation | Who Are You? Preparing the Personal Statement and for the Interview |
2:00pm – 3:00pm | Who Are You? Preparing the Personal Statement and for the Interview | Therapeutic and Diagnostic: CV and Portfolio Preparation |
3:00pm – 4:00pm | Building a Support Team for Your Career Trajectory | Contract Negotiation |
4:00pm – 5:00pm | Leadership and Trainee Awards Ceremony
Closing Remarks |
2018 Pre-Faculty Career Development Conference (PHOTOS)