As we start the 2019 academic year, it is time to reflect on the coming challenges and innovations in promoting Latino/Hispanic representation in the medical and academic medicine pipeline. 

Proposals are intended to provide a forum for the extended exchange of ideas among advisors on topics of common interest regarding innovations and challenges to the personal and professional development of LMSA members along the pipeline.

The Program Committee is most interested in workshops detailing: 1) innovative educational and service activities that promote the personal and professional development of LMSA members and advisors, 2) best practices in advising LMSA members, 3) institutional climate practices supporting the inclusion of Latino trainees, 4) LMSA based educational initiatives to train health care providers to provide better care to Latino patients, 5) collaborating with other groups to achieve common outcomes (e.g. pathway/pipeline programs) and 6) leveraging LMSA-related to completed scholarship or achieve promotion. However, other Latino/Hispanic proposals will be considered.

Selected proposals will be grouped by topic during one of the two concurrent blocks (each block will offer two sessions). If accepted, each speaker(s) on a panel will have 20 minutes for their presentation, for a total of 2 presentations; 15 minutes will be reserved for discussion at the end of each panel.

Oral Proposal Submission Format (due December 15, 2019)

Title of submission

A list of presenter(s) (no more than three presenters)

Learning objectives (maximum 100 words)

Abstract body (maximum 350 words)

Review Process

The committee will place higher preference on work that is already completed at the time of submission and work that has been led by LMSA members with guidance and advising by advisors.  A copy of the final presentations will be due 2 weeks prior to the conference. The review process will be competitive. Submissions must follow the template in order to be considered for peer review. Submissions will be selected for presentation following peer review. Sessions presenting a diverse range of topics and presenters will be selected from submissions with the highest ratings. Use the following criteria as a guideline when preparing your submission:

Topic Timeliness/Interest Potential

• Clarity of Write-Up: Content should be concise and goal directed

• Scope of Interest: Work shows creativity and originality

• Audience: Level of participant involvement is appropriate for a small group discussion

• Adaptability: Ideas have the potential to be adapted to other institutions

If selected, you must register for the conference to present your oral presentation. We regret that we cannot waive the registration fee or pay travel expenses for presenters.  Most of the presentations will occur on March 6, 2020.

In order for your submission to be complete, you must submit the proposal and a curriculum vitae for the lead presenter.

Questions about abstract preparation should be directed to

Submissions must be sent by December 15, 2019.